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Audio Recording Quote

“…things have changed and it might be very beneficial for you to look at the options that are available now. You really can create a pro level recording at home on your computer…”

– Stewart Meredith, Engineer/Session Musician

Audio Recording Articles

Setting Up The Ultimate Digital Home Studio – Part Five

Welcome to the Fifth installment of the Virtual Studio! In this issue we're going to walk through the process of tracking a song with attention to the various options available in the digital audio and MIDI environment. In the old days of tape the first consideration was usually how many … Read More

Setting Up The Ultimate Digital Home Studio – Part Six

This is the Sixth instalment of the Virtual Studio and as I mentioned last time I'm going to go into detail about a couple aspects that are specific to digital recording. How the digital domain changes our use of EQ and compression. This is something I have heard very little discussion about and … Read More

How To Get A Great Bass Sound In Your Home Studio

I spent more time in the early part of my engineering career trying to get a great bass sound than anything else. I tried going through a direct box. I tried miking the amp. I tried different amps. I tried different mics. I tried everything! No matter how hard I tried, I always fell short of the … Read More

Setting Up The Ultimate Digital Home Studio – Part Four

Welcome once again to the Virtual Studio. This is the fourth instalment in the series and I'm going to back up just a bit to cover a few items in more detail. We discussed soundcards previously and based on some of the email I've received there are a couple points I would like to make as well as … Read More

How To Get Great Drum Sounds From Your Home Studio

Nothing makes a home recording, any recording for that matter, sound better than great drum sounds. Pro engineers spend more time getting their drum sounds than any other instrument on their recordings and it shows. I've personally seen situations where engineers have spent days, several days in … Read More

How Good Do Your Demos Have To Be?

"Good" is a subjective term. It can mean a couple of things when used in the context of making demo tapes. "Good" can mean the song (with a slant toward "hit" potential), or it can mean the engineering or production values on the tape. If the ultimate use of your demo is to land a record deal, … Read More

Setting Up The Ultimate Digital Home Studio – Part Seven

Well, it's a new year and a new century and high time I wrote a new installment of this column! Over the last few months I have received many emails and have responded to as many as I can. The questions I have been getting have shaped the subject matter of this segment. What I am realising is … Read More

Internet-based Audio and Video

This article profiles Audiovideoweb.com, a company dedicated to providing practical solutions for businesses in creating web-based multimedia content. It's certainly no secret lately that audio and video are being used on the internet in increasing amounts -- and in a variety of ways. We've … Read More

Setting Up The Ultimate Digital Home Studio – Part Two

Welcome to the second installment of the Virtual Studio! We're going to pick up where part one left off and cover the remaining hardware you need to get the PC ready for digital recording... the soundcard. The soundcard is responsible for converting audio signals to digital information to be … Read More